i used to blog. regularly....you know, i say that about showering too. haha!! 2 less kids ago i was a blogging showering creative fool. then i got knocked up...daughter 3 comes along. blogging is sparse.
knocked. up. AGAIN!?!!? blogging, what is that??
now, i have 4 girls. 2 that are 2 and under (like whoa!) i have the creativity down...showering and blogging, well we are working on that one.
oh, yea. got a shower today too. is that tmi?? well you can rest assure that i am zestfully clean.
so i am hoping to get this little thing going with all things me.
i sew.
i dabble in knitting.
i have become known as, 'the doll lady'.
i am thankful my husband works hard so that i can stay home raise my little girlies, and grow my sweet small business